Media Reports Tensions around Giant Rock in Landers
MBCA President Bardwell Featured in Podcast on Dark Skies
MBCA Joins Coalition Supporting Bi-Directional EV Requirement in California
Video Offers Current Update on Dark Sky Science
The Water Flows Always - Native American Land Conservancy Video
MBCA Joins 21 Groups to Correct Inaccurate Desert Land Classification in California’s Climate Smart Strategy
Supervisors Approve RCIS Resolution without Recommended Change
A resolution to support the Regional Conservation Investment Strategy was on the September 26 agenda of the San Bernardino County Supervisors. While MBCA joined other organizations in supporting the RCIS in an August 2023 comment letter, one of the provisions in the Supervisors’ resolution negated much of the value of the plan. Comments from MBCA and the SummerTree Institute, among others, requested deletion of Provision 7, which would disastrously limit the types of vegetation to be conserved. The comments emphasized the importance of preserving the desert’s ability to sequester carbon, provide essential biodiversity, and enable the future translocation of the endangered Western Joshua trees. The resolution was approved by the Supervisors unanimously without change.