E-Blast: January 15, 2017
- MBCA Annual Meeting and Water Symposium – Jan. 28, 2017
- Return Eagle Mountain Lands to JTN
- Stop 2,220 home development - Mission Creek
- Apple Valley’s Habitat Conservation Pla
- Renewable Energy News – CA.’s RE Transmission Initiative
New Comment on California's Renewable Energy Planning
MBCA sends Comment Letter on Eagle Crest Transmission Line Environmental Assessment (EA)
MBCA, as part of a coalition of 7 other organizations and scientists, has sent a detailed Environmental Assessment Comment Letter to the BLM State Director Jerome Perez opposing the Eagle Crest Pumped Storage project and requesting a full Environmental Impact Study (EIS) instead of the planned and less comprehensive Environmental Assessment (EA) on the Transmission Line. It provides a thorough and detailed record of all the stages of insufficient analysis that have been completed for this project.
Read moreNov. 3 Planning Commission Meeting Commentary
County Renewable Energy and Conservation Element
Eblast: October 31, 2016
- Draft Renewable Energy and Conservation Element (RECE)
- Community Plan Workshop (Land-Use Map)
MBCA Opinion Piece in Hi Desert Star
Read MBCA's editorial published in the Hi Desert Star on October 29, 2016 (no longer available). It describes the problems with the County Supervisors' decision about the Altamira Housing Development and the lawsuit that has been filed by Joshua Tree residents.
MBCA's Alta Mira Housing Project Editorial
New National Monuments!
On February 11, 2016, President Obama designated three new national monuments, including Sand to Snow in our own backyard, plus National Trails and Castle Mountains. A BIG THANK YOU to the many MBCA members and supporters who wrote letters and appeared at events to support this.
Read moreConservation Priorities Report
Morongo Basin Conservation Priorities Report
Between 2008 and 2010, the Morongo Basin Open Space Group convened dozens of Morongo Basin residents in multiple workshops and discussion groups concerning long-term conservation and development planning in the Basin. Its printed product was the Morongo Basin Conservation Priorities Report which represents the collected perceptions of the Open Space Group participants plus a lot of related scientific data.

Support for this project was provided by the Sonoran Institute. Both public input and conservation science were used to develop this information-rich document. The report provides a comprehensive picture of which areas of the Morongo Basin are considered by its residents to be particularly worth conserving, and which areas may be more suited to development, and why.