Riverside Supervisors Deny Paradise Valley
Riverside County Supervisors have denied the Paradise Valley project on a 5-0 vote despite the project applicant's request for the typical 90-day continuance. A number of MBCA representatives attended the November 5th meeting and were among those cheering the result. Read more details in the Desert Sun's November 6 story on the vote, and for background, read our News Update from August 21st when the Riverside County Planning Commission recommended that the Supervisors deny the project.
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EBlast September 26, 2019
- Paradise Valley to be heard by Riverside County Board of Supervisors
- Workshop Teaches New Skills to Empower Community To Defend The California Desert: Part Two.
Paradise Valley Voted Down by Riverside County Planning Commission
We received word from MBCA President Steve Bardwell shortly after the decision on the afternoon of August 21 that the proposed Paradise Valley housing development planned for the southern edge of Joshua Tree National Park was voted down by the Riverside County Planning Commission, in a 4-1 vote. Read more details in this Desert Sun article. Enjoy the photos below taken at the venue. MBCA Directors and supporters, especially Steve Bardwell, Sarah Kennington, and our stalwart science guru Pat Flanagan were vigilant in keeping track of the project, attending meetings, and making comments against the ill-conceived project.
Eblast August 20, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Riverside County Planning Commission
EBlast July 22, 2019
- Control the spread of Sahara Mustard
- Paradise Valley Development Threatens Joshua Tree National Park
- Stop Eagle Crest Energy
- Stop Cadiz! SB-307 on Governors desk
- Countywide Plan comments due August 15
Another Opinion against the Paradise Valley Project
Another strong case is made in a July 12 opinion letter in the Desert Sun against the proposed Paradise Valley housing development of more than 20,000 residents on the south side of Joshua Tree National Park. The piece by Gail Wadsworth, executive director of the California Institute for Rural Studies, focuses on the unmet housing and support needs of rural communities near the proposed site and how the development would be detrimental rather than supportive for residents in those communities.
Eblast May 2, 2019
- Submit your Desert-Wise Living Essay!
- Stop Cadiz! Support SB-307
- Alta Mira Development Defeated!
- Paradise Valley Development Threatens Joshua Tree National Park!
- West Mojave Route Network Project (WEMO) Land Use Plan Amendment published
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) workshop: Yucca Valley, May 18, 2019
Eblast April 24, 2019
- Desert-Wise Living Landscape Tour: April 27 & 28, 2019
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) workshop: Yucca Valley, May 18, 2019
- West Mojave Route Network Project (WEMO) Land Use Amendment to be published
- Paradise Valley Development Threatens Joshua Tree National Park
Eblast April 11, 2019
- Desert Wise Living Landscape Tour: April 27 & 28, 2019
- San Bernardino County RECE Policy 4.10: Update
- Paradise Valley Development: Threatens Joshua Tree National Park
- San Bernardino Countywide Plan: Update
Riverside Planning Commission Postpones Paradise Valley Discussion
The Mojave Watch news site reports that the Riverside County Planning Commission has postponed discussion of Paradise Valley, a brand-new community proposed for development on the southern edge of Joshua Tree National Park. The development will next appear on their agenda May 15, 2019. Read the January 30 Mojave Watch news post(no longer exists) for more details on the danger to Park ecology posed by such a development, along with information from National Parks Conservation Association representative Chris Clarke. Additional background can be found in this earlier post about the project at Mojave Watch (no longer exists).