Comment Deadline on Palen Solar is Dec 11
The latest deadline for comments on the Palen Solar Project in Riverside County is December 11. Here is the BLM webpage explaining the project alternatives. This BLM press release gives details on how to comment. We are also providing two already-submitted comment letters to inform you of important issues you should consider in your own comment. Basin and Range Watch has provided a comprehensive overview of concerns and their letter includes maps and illustrations. The second comment letter by Alfredo Acosta Figueroa and Patricia Robles is on behalf of La Cuna de Aztlán Sacred Sites Protection Circle, and includes a great deal of information about why this land is sacred to tribal members. The attachments to the letter by La Cuna de Azlan Sacred Sites Protection Circle provide an extensive exploration and explanation of tribal sacred sites in desert areas that would be affected by the proposed Palen solar plant: Sacred Sites Attachments Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Eblast December 2, 2017
- Community Plans Comment period deadline: Dec.15, 2017
- National Park fee increase Comment period extended: Dec. 22, 2017
- Palen Solar Project Comment period deadline: Dec. 11, 2017
Eblast October 29, 2017
- Emergency Meeting on Joshua Tree National Park Fee Hikes: Thursday, November 2nd
- San Bernardino County Community Plan Town Hall Meeting: Monday, November 6th
Eblast August 4, 2017
- RECE (Renewable Energy and Conservation Element): Supervisors Public Hearing, Tuesday, August 8th, 1 PM
MBCA Submits Detailed RECE Comments
MBCA engaged professional planner and former Advisory Board member Stephanie Weigel, AICP, to work with Directors Pat Flanagan, Meg Foley, Ruth Rieman, and Marina West, and create a comprehensive analysis of the County's final draft of the Renewable Energy and Conservation Element. A theme that appears throughout this detailed comment letter is the need for “clear and unambiguous definitions” and “stronger language in policy statements” that will lead to an effective Development Code. We encourage you to read the letter before attending the August 8 Public Comment Meeting about the RECE, and to add your own comments at that meeting. The meeting will be videoconferenced at the Bob Burke Government Center in Joshua Tree, beginning at 1:00 pm.
Eblast July 14 2017
- Ord Mountain Solar Project
- Renewable Energy and Conservation Element (RECE) of the General plan
- Air quality monitoring
- Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Act (OHVRA) - SB 249
- Desert Water – Cadiz project & AB 1000
- Desert National Monuments – MDLT Desert Defenders
- NPCA Desert Manager – good-bye Seth Shteir & welcome Chris Clarke
MBCA Comments on Lucerne/Ord Mountain Solar Proposal
In another extraordinarily detailed and comprehensive document, MBCA Director Pat Flanagan on June 30 sent MBCA's official comment letter on the proposed Ord Mountain Solar and Energy Storage Project in Lucerne Valley to San Bernardino County Land Use Services. In addition,
Read moreEblast June 14, 2017
- Ord Mountain Solar Project: comment by June 30
- MDLT campaign for 29 Palms property “Indian Trail Head”: ends June 30
- Healthy California Act, SB 562: Indivisible public forum, June 26
- CA. Assembly supports state’s monuments: AJR-15, Federal public lands