MBCA Questions Joshua Tree Housing Development Proposal
Local Joshua Tree residents alerted MBCA about receiving a notice from the County about a proposed housing project in their neighborhood. Recipients were offered the opportunity to comment on a Tentative Tract map application to subdivide about 18.5 undeveloped acres into 64 parcels of "minimal impact" homes. MBCA's comments highlight the lack of information on the project and insufficient time window for providing comments. We question any claims concerning sustainability and responsible growth and development. Also addressed is the lack of progress on encouraging affordable housing after acknowledgment by the Supervisors of the ill-effects of a surfeit of STRs in Joshua Tree. We emphasize this is a project requiring analysis under CEQA for impacts due to aesthetics, flooding, flora, traffic, and wastewater.
Morongo Basin County Code Enforcement Update
A County Update reports that the addition of a third Code Enforcement Team has improved the availability of the South Desert Team that serves the Morongo Basin. Code Enforcement Chief Ignacio Nunez states that “The new Central Desert Team has helped to reduce the number of cases handled by other desert officers, allowing them to respond more quickly to new cases and follow up on ongoing cases. Officers now have more time to assist the public.” The South Desert Team provides services to the unincorporated communities of Rimrock, Pioneer Town, Flamingo Heights, Yucca Valley, Landers, Homestead Valley, Yucca Mesa, Joshua Tree, Morongo Valley, 29 Palms, Wonder Valley, Vidal Junction, Havasu Lake and Needles. San Bernardino County Code Enforcement information and services can be accessed here.
MBCA President Bardwell Featured in Podcast on Dark Skies
MBCA President Steve Bardwell shares the story of the years-long effort to improve San Bernardino County's regulations on lighting with 90 Miles from Needles podcast host Chris Clarke and local night sky photographer Mitch Miller. The episode was recorded during an art show with a night sky theme at MazAmar Art Pottery in Pioneertown. The 46-minute podcast is available here.
MBCA Addresses Supervisors on Latest STR Study Conclusions
At their June 11 meeting, County Supervisors are set to receive the latest consultant report on Program 4, the Short-Term Rental study initiated by the state housing agency. MBCA has reviewed the report and is concerned that "the requirements of the Program 4 Study have not been satisfied." MBCA's June 11 letter specifies our concerns and states our expectation to continue "participating in the ongoing process of preparing the Program 4 study and view the current report as another step towards that end."
MBCA Supports Joshua Tree Community Center Improvement Grant
Joshua Tree's County Service Area 20 submitted a grant for improvements to the Community Center facilities that would "reduce the impacts of extreme heat, build community resilience, and strengthen the Joshua Tree community's vulnerability to heat." MBCA's letter supports the proposed improvements that include new outdoor cooling technology, drought-tolerant native landscaping, shade trees, community art, and more.
MBCA Addresses County Supervisors on Housing Issues
At the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors meeting on April 23, MBCA again addressed the gaps in progress on the County's housing needs. Our letter was submitted to point to problems and contradictions with the San Bernardino County (SBC) General Plan Annual Progress Report and the Housing Element Summary. Among issues of concern are differing language between official documents about County growth, lack of progress on the Development Code Update, and lack of progress on Program 4, the study intended to examine and analyze conditions surrounding the lack of affordable housing and STR growth.
MBCA Provides Comprehensive Critique of Program 4 STR Report
MBCA reported on December 17 about our response to the flawed Program 4 report commissioned by the County. The report concluded, "The County could not find clear and empirical data that indicates that short-term rentals (STRs) have a substantial impact on the availability of long-term, rental housing options in the unincorporated Mountain and East Desert communities."
We are now providing the full 62-page response letter that details what MBCA believes are fallacious arguments, inappropriate conclusions and inferences, and overlooked past County corroborations of the problem. Some new data arrays are also presented.
Read the full "MBCA STR Letter" document.
The Center for Biological Diversity also submitted a letter of concern in December.
We are now providing the full 62-page response letter that details what MBCA believes are fallacious arguments, inappropriate conclusions and inferences, and overlooked past County corroborations of the problem. Some new data arrays are also presented.
Read the full "MBCA STR Letter" document.
The Center for Biological Diversity also submitted a letter of concern in December.
Supervisors Deny Flamingo 640 Glamping Project
In a 3-2 vote on December 19, San Bernardino County Supervisors denied RoBott Land Company's appeal of the Planning Commission's earlier denial of their "campground" project in Flamingo Heights. MBCA's December 17 comments summarize the many concerns voiced by hundreds of area residents. All of the related documents are included on the County's page for this agenda item, including the video of the meeting. (Here is a timestamped list of the video of the Flamingo 640 Agenda Item). Supervisor and Chair Dawn Rowe introduced a substitute motion to replace Supervisor Hagman's motion to send the project back to the Planning Commission. Supervisors Cook and Baca joined Rowe in the majority decision to deny the RoBott Land Company's appeal. Extensive details can also be found on the Save Our Deserts FH 640 page.
County Will Delay Presenting STR Report to Supervisors
On December 14, MBCA sent to Supervisor Dawn Rowe and County staff a detailed critical analysis of the recently-released Short Term Rental Technical Memorandum prepared by consultant firm PlaceWorks. MBCA's extensive evaluation, summarized here, refutes the PlaceWorks study conclusion that “The County could not find clear and empirical data that indicates that short-term rentals (STRs) have a substantial impact on the availability of long-term, rental housing options in the unincorporated Mountain and East Desert communities.” Our conclusions are also supported by a letter from the Center for Biological Diversity. MBCA's full analysis will be made available here soon.
On December 15, MBCA President Steve Bardwell received communication from Land Use Services Planning Director Heidi Duron that the Short Term Rental PlaceWorks report scheduled to be on the Supervisors’ December 19 agenda will be postponed until the January 23 meeting “to allow for additional time to evaluate and address your comments.”
On December 15, MBCA President Steve Bardwell received communication from Land Use Services Planning Director Heidi Duron that the Short Term Rental PlaceWorks report scheduled to be on the Supervisors’ December 19 agenda will be postponed until the January 23 meeting “to allow for additional time to evaluate and address your comments.”
MBCA Comments at County Land Use Services Open House
At the County Land Use Services Open House held in Joshua Tree on August 30, MBCA's President Steve Bardwell talked at some length with Mark Wardlaw, new Director of the department. MBCA sent a followup letter outlining concerns about land use issues that affect the Morongo Basin's unincorporated communities particularly. The letter includes some specific suggestions and summarizes our concerns related to water issues, Community Action Guides, climate change, Short-Term Rental ordinances, and a number of other topics.