The federal government is seeking to reopen the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, which was developed over many years with significant public input, in the interest of balancing renewable energy development in the Mojave Desert with preservation of important natural desert landscapes. The reopening of the plan is intended to open land that was designated for conservation to more development and recreational use than specified in the final plan. Here is the BLM's official notice of the scoping meetings to be held within the 45-day comment period. This Desert Sun article provides a comprehensive overview of the situation. Our most recent MBCA Eblast of February 14 provides additional information and links.
Update & Schedule Clarification
What: BLM Scoping meeting re. amending DRECP AND Conservation response/call-to-action
When: Today - Thursday, March 1, 2018; 6:00pm – 8:00pm (see schedule below for agenda)
Location: Joshua Tree Community Center, 6171 Sunburst Ave.
6pm-7:00pm: The official BLM hosted Scoping meeting on proposed amendment to DRECP:
presentation by Jerry Perez, Jeremiah Karuzas, and others. Participants may view BLM informational posters and fill out comment forms (or submit comments at computer stations).
7pm – 8:00pm: A separately planned program to present the conservation community perspective and provide opportunity for oral comment:
7pm – 7:30pm: Chris Clarke, NPCA will lead a panel to explain why the DRECP must not be reopened and the importance of raising our voices to influence the administration.*
7:30pm – 8:00pm: A court reporter will be on hand to record oral comments that will be submitted to the BLM.
*The bottom line message: imperfect as this plan may be, it must not be reopened. The administration’s attempt to revise this plan is not to work out kinks. They have stated very clearly in the Federal Register Notice that they intend to amend conservation and recreation designations to remove barriers to industrial scale energy development.
*Goal: To support future litigation and persuade our San Bernardino County Supervisors to tell the administration not to amend the plan. The public must tell the administration in no uncertain terms that they will not stand for a reopening of this plan!
Twitter: #DesertPlan is the primary campaign hashtag. Use of social media, incuding live tweeting is encouraged to generate media attention while the meeting is happening.
See for:
- Information about submitting Comments by March 22, 2018 deadline.
- DRECP Fact Sheet to clarify the administrations objectives.
- Suggestions for substantive comments to use in your public comment letters.
- link to The Federal Register Notice announcing the administration’s intent to amend the DRECP – provides clarity about the administration’s objective to dismantle conservation lands to expand development.
6171 Sunburst
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
United States
Google map and directions
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