Mission and Vision

Who We Are
The Morongo Basin Conservation Association is a 501(c)3, community-based, California Nonprofit Corporation, incorporated in 1969 and dedicated to preserving the economic and environmental welfare of the Morongo Basin.
Our Mission
Morongo Basin Conservation Association advocates for a healthy desert environment which nurtures wildlands and supports our communities' rural character, economic well-being, and culture. 

The objectives of MBCA as incorporated in Article II of our By-Laws:  
  • To preserve the economic and environmental welfare of the Morongo Basin against exploitation deemed not in the best interest of the residents thereof
  • To promote master planning for the entire area known as the Greater Morongo Basin including all of the various communities therein.


MBCA Members Marina West and Claudia Sall discuss conservation plans at the 2020 MBCA Annual Meeting held in Yucca Valley. Photo by Stacy Doolittle
How We Do It

Where We Come From 
MBCA was formed by residents in 1969 to stop the building of an electrical transmission corridor through the center of the Morongo Basin that would have changed our wild desert character forever.  Members fought for 11 years---and won!  Read more about our history and accomplishments.
 Desert-Wise Living Landscape Tour visitors take photos.

Our Vision
It is 2032.

As you top the hill and enter the Morongo Basin you take a deep breath. “Ah, I’m home.” You see an endless vista without haze and look forward to a night sky full of stars. You greet a vibrant community of diverse people who respect each other and value the desert’s wild beauty, cultural wealth, and history.

As gateway communities to Joshua Tree National Park, we welcome tourists from around the world. Our robust local economy is based on balanced growth, well-managed water, and support for unique businesses. Co-housing projects, pioneering architectural design, rooftop solar, and wireless communities attract a rich mix of residents including artists, young professionals and retirees. The Desert Studies Center at Copper Mountain Community College trains people in the art and science of sustainable living. The 29 Palms Marine Base and active community groups are leaders in environmental protection.

As your solar car moves quietly down Highway 62, you pass compact shopping and living centers. Locally owned restaurants serve food from community gardens. Art is everywhere - seen and heard. Neighborhoods embrace the natural contours of the landscape, respecting wildlife habitats and native plants. Children play outdoors. You breathe in the energy of the land and the people living and prospering in harmony with the desert. 

Flowering sacred datura (Datura wrightii) supported with low-flow irrigation. Photo by Stacy Doolittle


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  • Kym North
    This sounds like a flat “no” take your futuristic ideas to Palm Springs where it belongs. Leave our community alone. Those that resided here 40+ yrs came here for peace and quiet. Not electric cars, loud parties, loud cars, loud music, rude people, white spaceship type homes, traffic noise. Should I go on?
  • Christopher Engle
    Perhaps a re-edit to this page is in order. Two of the paragraphs are repeated in case anyone hasn’t noticed. Otherwise, very good! I look forward to our involvement with MBCA.
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