Eblast: January 21, 2025

  • Attend MBCA 56th Annual Meeting!

The Morongo Basin Conservation Association is holding its 56th annual meeting on Saturday, January 25, 2025, in the Yucca Room at the Yucca Valley Community Center. Accomplishments of MBCA over the previous year will be presented and an opportunity provided to meet local conservation advocates.

The keynote speaker will be Bernadette Del Chiaro, Executive Director of the California Solar and Storage Association, who will discuss the state of roof top solar and battery technology. She will explain how the adoption of new Net Energy Metering regulations has affected the solar industry and how to now advocate for a clean distributed electrical infrastructure. The value of adopting these technologies will be discussed to reduce electric bills and add resiliency in the face of climate change.

Options for limited emergency power backup to address Public Safety Power Shut Offs as experienced throughout the Morongo Basin recently will be provided by MBCA Board members. Resources will be made available for additional information on these technologies.

Following a light lunch, Steve Blackledge, Senior Director, Conservation America Campaign, will speak on nationwide conservation efforts being advanced through the organization Environment America. He will offer insights on the effects of industrial scale renewable energy developments on the intact ecosystem and speak to the conservation value of prioritizing solar in a built environment, on roofs/parking lots, and the importance of maintaining wildlife crossings. The need to protect intact lands, as with the recent designation of Chuckwalla National Monument, will be celebrated.

Beginning at 9:30 there will be an opportunity to speak with local solar contractors who will provide information on their services. The formal program will begin at 10:00 AM.

Light breakfast and lunch will be served.

While encouraging in-person attendance, a Zoom link will be made available to all who register by visiting this link on our website.

On October 30, 2024, Governor Newsome issued Executive Order N-5-24 effectively blaming high electrical costs on rooftop solar. The Solar Rights Alliance has published a ‘Corrected Version’ of the Order to counter this false narrative. MBCA encourages our members and supporters to contact their state representatives with this edited version. There will be further discussion on this issue during the meeting. Please plan to attend!

When:        Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30 - 2:00
Where:       Yucca Valley Community Cente 
                   57090 29 Palms Highway Yucca Valley, CA 92284

Steve Bardwell
Your MBCA Board:

Steve Bardwell, President
David Fick, Vice President
Laraine Turk, Secretary
Cathy Zarakov, Treasurer  
Pat Flanagan, Director;
Stacy Doolittle, Director

Brian Hammer, Director
Janet Johnston, Director
Sarah Kennington, Director
Arch McCulloch, Director
Gary Stiler, Director

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  • Stephen Bardwell
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