Eblast January 28, 2023

  • MBCA Annual Meeting Recording Now Available

A video recording of MBCA’s 54th Annual meeting, held last Saturday January 21, is now available on our website! The meeting, titled “Gimme Shelter: Seeking Housing Solutions for the Morongo Basin,” was attended by nearly 100 and featured presentations by all of the Basin’s civic jurisdictions, plus the School District, the College, the National Park, the Marine Base, real estate professionals, homeless non-profits, and housing advocates.

The link above also contains additional information and resources about the meeting, including press coverage subsequent to the meeting, contact information for the presenters, governmental requirements and acronyms, a description of Program 4 of the County Housing Element regarding Short Term Rentals, and an excerpt of a letter from MBCA and the Center for Biological Diversity to the County of San Bernardino.

To facilitate access to the wealth of information presented at the meeting, following are some time stamps to specific portions of the video recording:


MBCA’s focus on the effects of Short Term Rentals on our communities sparked this meeting. It is our hope that this will be the first step in the Community Planning Process committed to by the County in Program 4. We envision the Process evolving with the creation of a Housing Action Committee that would identify needs and strategies to address the Basin’s housing needs and will culminate with the provision of additional, adequate, and affordable housing in the Morongo Basin. We support the creation of a San Bernardino County Housing Trust and we look forward to our continued involvement.

Thank you for your support,

Steve Bardwell
Your MBCA Board:

Steve Bardwell, President
David Fick, Vice President
Laraine Turk, Secretary
Cathy Zarakov, Treasurer  
Pat Flanagan, Director;
Stacy Doolittle, Director

Brian Hammer, Director
Janet Johnston, Director
Sarah Kennington, Director
Arch McCulloch, Director
Gary Stiler, Director

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  • Stephen Bardwell
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