- 2021 Virtual Landscape Tour is Live!
- Light Trespass Workshop follow-up
- MBCA in support of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- Increase Funding for National Conservation Lands?
- Fee Increase for Campsites in Joshua Tree?
2021 Virtual Landscape Tour is Live!
MBCA is very pleased to announce the publication of our 2021 landscape tour! This year again, the format for the tour is virtual with 6 properties being featured in professionally produced high-quality videos. The widely differing sites from throughout the Morongo Basin employ Desert Wise Living strategies including the use of native plants and as other water and energy conservation methods. The entire MBCA board offers a special Thank You! to members of the Desert Wise Living committee and to Stacy Doolittle in particular for her work in coordinating the productions. Much credit also goes to Cole Gibson of Half Circle G Productions, for his outstanding work in the videography, recording and editing of these inspiring videos. We are especially grateful for the financial support of our local water districts and the Mojave Water Agency that have made these productions possible.
Enjoy the Show!
Light Trespass Workshop follow-up
We have a current news update on this workshop that includes a recording of the entire workshop and an edited version of the presentation to the Commission. The next step towards adoption of a new Light Trespass ordinance will involve the refinement of the draft ordinance to address some issues revealed during the workshop before again being considered and hopefully approved by the Planning Commission. Following the Commission’s approval, the ordinance must then be considered and approved by the Board of Supervisors for adoption and enactment. While the deadline for receipt of comments on the workshop is June 18, it is our understanding that comments will continue to be accepted beyond that date. The next Planning Commission hearing for review has not been set, although it is hoped to occur within the next several months. MBCA will continue to track this important issue and will keep our members and supporters informed.
Comments may be submitted by email to:
[email protected]
MBCA supports installation of Electric Vehicle charging
MBCA has submitted a letter in support of grant application by San Bernardino County Special Districts to install electric vehicle charging facilities at the Joshua Tree Community Center. A transformation to electricity-powered transportation infrastructure is underway and we are pleased to express our support for this critical transition.
Increase funding for National Conservation Lands?
The Mojave Desert Land Trust has brought to our attention the issue of needed funding for National Conservation Lands (NCL). The Mojave National Preserve, Mojave Trails, and Sand to Snow National Monument would benefit from sorely needed additional funding to manage and protect these areas rich with cultural and ecological resources. Follow this link to express your support. The deadline for contacting your Senator is Jun 21, 2021.
Fee Increase for Campsites in Joshua Tree?
Another of our conservation partners, the Joshua Tree National Park Association has brought to our attention a proposal to increase fees for campsites within Joshua Tree our local National Park. Follow this link and let your voice be heard. The deadline for comments is July 11, 2021
I offer my best wishes to everyone on our newest national holiday; Juneteenth! Thanks for your continued involvement and support!
Steve Bardwell, President |
Brian Hammer, Director |
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