Eblast June 20, 2021

  • Stop the Threat to California Rooftop Solar  
  • Housing Crisis in Morongo Basin!
  • 2021 Virtual Landscape Tour is Live!

Stop the Threat to California Rooftop Solar
In part due to the efforts of MBCA members and supporters, AB 1139 was defeated! However, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is under extreme pressure from Investor Owner Utilities (IOUs) to adopt measures that would effectively kill rooftop solar. The CPUC is meeting from June 22 through June 24 to consider proposals for adopting Net Energy Metering credits that would drastically reduce the feed-in tariffs for power generated by rooftop solar installations. This revision is reflected within CPUC Resolution 5150 that re-calculates and grossly undercounts the value of roof-top solar-powered electricity. Unfortunately, as might be expected, the process and resolution is opaque and obtuse making it difficult to find and comprehend what is being proposed unless one is familiar with the process (as the lawyers for the IOUs are!). Nonetheless, make your voice be heard in support of encouraging the broad adoption of roof-top solar by submitting comments to the CPUC by the deadline of June 22, 2021. Follow this link to a fact sheet that contains web addresses and a wealth of information on the issue.

Housing Crisis in Morongo Basin!
As many residents of the Morongo Basin are aware, there is a severe shortage of rentals, let alone affordable rentals, and wildly escalating costs for homes, making it nearly impossible to find a place to live.

On Tuesday, June 22, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors will be considering the adoption of an emergency ordinance to enforce the regulation of Short Term Rentals (STRs) throughout the County. An increase in fines for violation of the existing Short Term Rental Ordinance will be considered. MBCA recognizes this is not a panacea for the regional housing problem, and it is hoped that further action will be undertaken to quantify and understand and the problem. This website, serenitysentry.com, includes all the rules of STR companies (AirBnB, HipCamp, etc.) and a link to the current San Bernardino County Ordinance. Written comments will be accepted up to the day of the meeting and oral comments will be accepted.

The Supervisors meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, commencing at 10:00 am (although this item, #136 will not be first on the agenda!). The Supervisors will meet in person in San Bernardino at:
     County Government Center
     Covington Chambers
     385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 1st Floor
     San Bernardino, CA 92415

Video conferencing facilities will also be available to view the meeting and make public comments at the following location:
     Bob Burke Government Center
     63665 Twentynine Palms Highway 1st floor
     Joshua Tree, CA 92252

2021 Virtual Landscape Tour is Live!
We are very pleased to see a large number of viewers of the  2021 Landscape Tour following the recent publication of the tour videos! We are especially grateful for the financial support of our local water districts and the Mojave Water Agency that have made these productions possible. Enjoy the Show!

Thank you again for your energy and efforts to support MBCA’s mission of advocacy for the healthy desert!

Steve Bardwell
Your MBCA Board:

Steve Bardwell, President
David Fick, Vice President
Laraine Turk, Secretary
Cathy Zarakov, Treasurer  
Pat Flanagan, Director

Brian Hammer, Director
Janet Johnston, Director
Sarah Kennington, Director
Arch McCulloch, Director
Ruth Rieman, Director

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  • Stephen Bardwell
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