Joshua Tree National Park is a biodiverse gem, has a rich history and culture and provides outstanding recreational opportunities for millions of visitors from around the nation and around the globe. Park lovers now have the unique opportunity to return the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Eagle Mountain lands once and for all to Joshua Tree National Park!
These lands were removed in the 1950s from Joshua Tree National Monument for mineral exploration, and have great habitat for bighorn sheep, desert tortoise, and golden eagle! The National Park Service and BLM are working together to protect 22,500 acres, transfer them back to Joshua Tree and your help is needed! There is an open comment period for withdrawal of the land from further development and their ultimate transfer back to the park!
Background information on this issue is available on this National Park Service webpage, including a letter from Park Superintendent David Smith.
Start your New Year right! Make a comment at the meeting that you want the Eagle Mountain lands withdrawn from further development and returned to Joshua Tree National Park. The meeting is on January 18, 2017 from 6-9pm at UC Riverside at 75080 Frank Sinatra Drive in Palm Desert!
We are scheduling carpools that will be leaving from the MDLT building at 4pm that day!
Please contact Seth Shteir, Nat’l Parks Conservation Association at [email protected] as soon as possible! He can provide talking points and carpool info!
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