MBCA Director Pat Flanagan Named Minerva Hoyt Award Winner

MBCA Director Pat Flanagan is the 2017 recipient of the prestigious Minerva Hoyt Conservation Award. Background for the award and a list of previous recipients can be found on the Joshua Tree National Park Association's webpage. Many MBCA supporters recognize Pat as the author of dozens of comprehensive comment letters representing the stance of MBCA and our communities on various development and conservation issues. Her comment letters contain eloquent defenses of the need for preserving desert environments and provide in-depth research with science-based and referenced evidence. MBCA is very pleased that this recognition is being made for Pat's stellar contributions to MBCA and the entire desert community over many years.

Local radio station KCDZ has reported on Pat's award here.

The Minerva Hoyt Award Ceremony will occur in May; MBCA will announce the date and location when confirmed.  We hope many MBCA members and supporters will join us in celebrating Pat!

Pat_F_thoughtful.jpg      Pat_with_mustard.jpg

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  • Claudia Spotts
    Pat thank you for your excellent work that moves conservation forward in the Morongo Basin. You are an inspiration like Minerva Hoyt was many years ago. Keep up your good deeds. Jim and Claudia
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