Pipeline Lease for Cadiz Water Project Terminated

The State Lands Commission on December 17 terminated a long-term pipeline right-of-way lease for the Cadiz Water Project, providing another setback in the company's plan to drain a major desert aquifer for profit. Cadiz has publicized its claims that their latest plans with California tribes will provide a beneficial public-private partnership that would benefit "communities in need." Environmental justice advocates argue convincingly against the touted benefits of the plan, as outlined in this City Watch news story. Tribal perspectives inform coverage of desert water issues by KPFK's Creative Frontline program, such as this podcast that includes dialogue with MBCA Director Pat Flanagan. For recent and historical news on the project, search for Cadiz in the Climate & Environment section of the Los Angeles Times.

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  • robert studio-rla.com
    This MBCA article above has the events out of sequence, which is important. Cadiz publicized their claims before the SLC decommissioned the pipeline.
    Also leaning in on behalf of the LA Times as the ultimate authority on water protection as a whole is misleading. I am certain our work with KPFK 90.7 Los Angeles is more consistent and clear; it has reached a large potential audience with statewide concerns.
    KPFK, under the direction of Michael Novick has been more true to their mission statement than many of the non profits mentioned or claiming involvement, who have been lazy and silent, particularly in comparison with our Co-Producer, Tracker’s (Tracker Ginamarie Rangel Quinones, Apache Investigative Reporter) in person and direct conversations with Principals Susan Kennedy and Matthew Leivas Sr. on behalf of Creative Frontline, concurrent with the Dec 17 meeting and SLC decision.
    And I am certain Creative Frontline’s due diligence raised the profile of the issues influencing both the SLC and Citywatch. We have given a lesson in Public Relations for the benefit of the desert and it has paid off.
    Let’s be honest and give credit where credit is due.
    Robert Lundahl
    Co Producer
    Creative Frontline
  • Laraine Turk
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