- Sand to Snow National Monument Collaboration Workshop
- Joshua Tree Community Plan meeting with San Bernardino County representatives
- Joshua Tree Airport Solar Farm BOS Appeal Hearing
- Soda Mountain Solar BOS Hearing
- Dollar General: JT Downtown Business Alliance loses in State Court of Appeal
Here is a quick review of important meetings for several issues that have been on our radar for the past months. Would love to see you at these meetings to ensure the public interests are well represented – especially those aligned with MBCA’s mission!
Sand to Snow National Monument Collaboration Workshop
Joshua Tree Community Plan meeting with San Bernardino County representatives
Joshua Tree Airport Solar Farm BOS Appeal Hearing
Soda Mountain Solar BOS Hearing
Find MBCA’s Call for Action on Soda Mountain posted on the MBCA website – including a model letter for your comments – personal letters best!
Mail to: MBCA by August 19th: PO Box 24, Joshua Tree, CA 92252
(Any letters received by MBCA after August 19th will be forwarded to the Supervisors by mail or scanned for e-mail delivery.)
Dollar General: JT Downtown Business Alliance loses in State Court of Appeal
Updates and possible future action can be found on the Defend Joshua Tree website/blog.
Got to keep up our defense of the desert and plenty of opportunity to do so!
Sometime in August, you will be offered the opportunity to join a second MBCA Eblast list that will send you a VERY SHORT email whenever there is updated content or new events posted on the MBCA website. It will only give you the topic of the new information and a link, to keep you up-to-date between EBlasts. Watch for more information about this option in August.
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