Protect our Communities Now
We are not exaggerating
MAC meeting Monday, May 14 @ 5:30 PM in JT Community Center
WHAT: MAC (Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council)
WHEN: Monday, May 14, 2018 - NOTE NEW TIME, 5:30 PM
WHERE: Joshua Tree Community Center – 6171 Sunburst Ave
- WEMO (BLM West Mojave Routes of Travel)
Yes, it’s back and we are on it. This time around it will be easier to comment. Learn the what, when, and how at the MAC.
- Renewable Energy and Conservation Element (RECE) Policy 4.10 and subsections
Utility Scale Solar Projects could be in our future –
County Land Use Services has drafted a new ‘Staff Recommended’ Policy 4.10 that could bring large scale solar to the Morongo Basin, Lucerne Valley, Daggett, and Newberry Springs – rural communities with flat terrain and transmission. Read between the Staff Recommended lines here.
Then attend the Planning Commission Hearing,
Thursday, May 24, 9 AM.
The Planning Commission will decide to Prohibit Solar or
to Allow Solar in rural residential communities.
WHEN: Thursday, May 24th, 9AM
WHERE: County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA. 92415 and also remote videoconference sites in Hesperia and Joshua Tree.
Free bus transportation from Morongo Basin to attend this meeting
MBCA encourages you to attend the hearing in San Bernardino to make the greatest impact. If you would like to reserve a seat on a free bus to this Planning Commission Hearing, email us: [email protected]. You will receive an email with all details when they are known. Generally, there will be a meeting point in the Morongo Basin at about 7AM on May 24, and the return will be approximately 2-3PM.
If you are not able to make the trek to San Bernardino, please participate remotely from the video conferencing center at the Joshua Tree Burke Government Building (63665 29 Palms Highway) or the Jerry Lewis High Desert Government Center in Hesperia (15900 Smoke Tree St., suite 131).
A strong showing for our position is critical! The developers’ interest will undoubtedly be present – community interests must be present to tip the balance. Each public speaker will have 3 minutes to present comments.
Thanks for your attention and participation. We can make a difference – only if we show up and speak out!
Sarah Kennington, President
Morongo Basin Conservation Association
Your 2018 MBCA Board
David Fick, Vice President Steve Bardwell, Treasurer
Marina West, Recording Secretary Pat Flanagan, Director
Meg Foley, Director Mike Lipsitz, Director
Ruth Rieman, Director Claudia Sall, Director
Seth Shteir, Director Laraine Turk, Director
MBCA advocates for a healthy desert environment
that nurtures the region’s rural character, cultural wealth
and economic well-being.
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