Eblast May 13, 2019

  • Paradise Valley Development Threatens Joshua Tree National Park
  • Stop Cadiz! Support SB-307
  • West Mojave Route Network Project (WEMO) Land Use Plan Amendment published
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) workshop: Saturday, May 18, 2019
  • Submit your Desert-Wise Living Essay!

Paradise Valley Development Threatens Joshua Tree National Park
The Riverside County Planning Commission will meet this Wednesday in Palm Desert to consider this grossly inappropriate development that would place a new town of 20,000 to 25,000 residents with 1,380,000 square feet of commercial development, directly on the southern boundary of Joshua Tree National Park. The agenda for the meeting indicates that staff is recommending that this item be continued to a future date; however under the provisions of the Brown Act, public comments must be accepted at the time of the hearing. Indications are that turnout for the hearing will be good. I plan to attend and can offer a ride for up to three additional people.

WHEN:  WEDNESDAY MAY 15, 2019 9:30AM

WHERE:  RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION STEVE ROBBINS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, Coachella Valley Water District - Administration Board Room, 75515 Hovley Lane East, Palm Desert, CA 92211

Stop Cadiz! Support SB-307

SB-307 (Roth) would prohibit the use of a water conveyance facility to transfer water from a groundwater basin underlying desert lands unless the State Lands Commission, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Water Resources finds that the transfer will not adversely affect the natural or cultural resources of the land. This bill would subject the controversial Cadiz water project to the desperately needed environmental review it has so far evaded.

California Senator Dianne Feinstein has indicated
her support for this bill. The State Senate Appropriations Committee has yet to forward this bill to the full Senate. Contact Senator Anthony Portantino, (916) 651-4025, chair of the Appropriations Committee and primary co-author of the legislation, and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (916-651-4039) to urge them to approve and send SB-307 to the floor for a vote. It is scheduled for an Appropriations Committee hearing on May 16. Should the Senate approve the bill, it will then go to the State Assembly where a similar bill won by a 2/3 majority in 2018. Stay tuned as we track the progress of this vitally important legislation.

West Mojave Route Network Project (WEMO) Land Use Plan Amendment published

The West Mojave Route Network Project Land Use Plan Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) is now available for download. The deadline for protests is May 28, 2019.

Our conservation partner, Community ORV Watch, has prepared a preliminary analysis of the recently released documents. The current mapping system uses an entirely web-based interface as opposed to the PDF maps that were utilized in the past. Our previous comments and efforts appear to have made a difference and many are reflected in Alternative 5, the BLM’s Proposed Action Alternative. Many of the short, discontinuous route segments within the checkerboarded communities in County Service Areas (CSAs) have now been designated as Street Legal Only. This is a good step towards controlling unwelcome and disruptive OHV use within CSAs communities although there continue to be routes in communities that are identified ‘Motorized, No Subdesignation’. This designation permits the use of any motorized vehicle (OHV, ATV, electric) within neighborhood communities that are accessible by traveling on County roads. OHVs driving on such routes are subject to the County’s OHV ordinance that the Sheriff's department and Code Enforcement will enforce.

We encourage you to study and digest the MANY documents and extremely detailed maps that have been posted on the BLM website .

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) workshop: Saturday, May 18, 2019

A free workshop designed to teach participants how to craft meaningful, substantive comments in opposition to inappropriate developments on public land. The workshop is being offered at this time because more desert advocates are needed to defend the desert we love. Organized by the California Desert Coalition (https://www.cadesertcoalition.org), the lawyers from Advocates of the West, (https://advocateswest.org/) will lead the day’s activities. MBCA and the Conservation Lands Foundation are also providing support for this event. For more information check MBCA’s Calendar page. Please RSVP to [email protected].

Submit your Desert-Wise Living Essay!

Again, many thanks to all of the sponsors, hosts and volunteers who made the ninth Desert Wise Landscape tour a success! I encourage everyone, hosts, docents and visitors to write a short essay describing your experience with the tour to be eligible for the generous gift certificates offered by Cactus Mart in Morongo Valley, and Unique Nursery in Yucca Valley. Please see the Landscape Tour Essay Contest page on our website for information on how to enter.

With the defeat of the Alta Mira development and the inclusion of many of our thoughts and recommendations into this latest WEMO, it is clear that our voices do make a difference! Onward!


Steve Bardwell President
Morongo Basin Conservation Association

Your 2019 MBCA Board 

Steve Bardwell, President                          Pat Flanagan, Director       
David Fick, Vice President                         Meg Foley, Director
Laraine Turk, Recording Secretary            Mike Lipsitz, Director
Marina West, Treasurer                              Ruth Rieman, Director
Sarah Kennington, Past President             Seth Shteir, Director

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