Letter: MBCA Requests Land & Water Funds for Mojave Trails Acquisition
Posted by Laraine Turk on May 20, 2020
Related MBCA News follows this letter.
Posted by
Laraine Turk · June 08, 2020 5:23 PM
- Desert Wise Living Landscape Tour 2020 goes virtual !
- Petition to list Yucca brevifolia as a threatened species.
- A week of Invasive Species Lunchtime Webinars.
- Opposition to Yellow Pine Solar Project
- Action on Eagle Crest Pumping Opposition.
- Funding Mojave Trails Acquisition
- Environmental Justice in Lucerne Valley.
- Opposition to Habitat Conservation Fund Budget Trailer Bill.
- Support for AB3030 For Land and Water Conservation.
- Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease found in the Morongo Basin.
- Ruth Denison 2020 Environmental scholarship recipient.
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Posted by
Laraine Turk · June 02, 2020 2:30 PM
MBCA has forwarded
a letter of support to U.S. Interior Secretary Bernhardt and California Bureau of Land Management Director Karen Mouritsen for the BLM to acquire
Land and Water Conservation Fund resources for purchasing lands within the Mojave Trails National Monument. MBCA also signed on to two group letters (
May 8 and
May 21) on the same topic. The
LCWF provides grants for federal-state partnerships for conservation and public recreation projects. The 6,213 acres of interest in the Mojave Trails National Monument contain cultural sites and are part of important habitat linkages.
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Posted by
Laraine Turk · June 14, 2017 7:55 PM
- Ord Mountain Solar Project: comment by June 30
- MDLT campaign for 29 Palms property “Indian Trail Head”: ends June 30
- Healthy California Act, SB 562: Indivisible public forum, June 26
- CA. Assembly supports state’s monuments: AJR-15, Federal public lands
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Posted by
Laraine Turk · May 02, 2017 2:17 PM
- 2017 Desert-Wise Landscape Tour a huge success!
- Sand-To-Snow and Mojave Trail National Monuments under review by Trump
- Eagle Crest Pumping Project
- County Renewable Energy Element Final Draft
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