Stop Cadiz: Call the Governor to sign SB-307!
SB-307 on Governor’s desk
The State Assembly overwhelmingly voted to pass SB-307 (Roth) and the bill is now on the desk of Governor Gavin Newsom for signing. It is vitally important that the Governor hear our voices and that we ask him to sign the legislation.
The office number is (916) 445-2841. You must first select a language (“1” for English, “2” for Spanish), then press “6” at the next menu to be transferred to a staffer. When a staffer answers, tell them: your name and where you live, and that you urge the Governor to sign SB 307.With Governor Newsom’s signature the controversial Cadiz water project will be subject to a thorough and desperately needed environmental review.
You can also email the governor's office using the web form provided on this website: A phone call carries more weight, so please consider calling before sending an email.
Following your call, please take the time to email Chris Clarke of the National Parks Conservation Association at [email protected] to let him know you've done so; it will help provide a sense of how many calls the governor's office is getting in support of the Bill.
I again offer my thanks to our many members and supporters for your activism in defense of our desert.
Steve Bardwell President
Morongo Basin Conservation Association
Your 2019 MBCA Board
Steve Bardwell, President Pat Flanagan, Director
David Fick, Vice President Meg Foley, Director
Laraine Turk, Recording Secretary Mike Lipsitz, Director
Marina West, Treasurer Ruth Rieman, Director
Sarah Kennington, Past President
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