Congratulations to the winners of the Desert-Wise Landscape Tour Inspiration Contest!
In this year’s Contest, we asked Tour participants to submit their reactions to the Tour in either a short essay or a visual creation.
Winner of the essay category and a $200 gift certificate to Unique Nursery in Joshua Tree is Allie Irwin. Here is her essay, which captures so well the spirit of discovery, as well as lessons learned, that MBCA hopes to provide to Tour participants.
Winner of the visual creation submission is Corrina Paton, whose photograph below depicts a spot in Tour Host Valerie Davis's yard. She explains: Conserving Water through art ~ Proving you can still have vibrant colors and a fun and quirky landscape while reducing your water usage. Corrina wins a $200 gift certificate to Cactus Mart in Morongo Valley.
Watch for an announcement in early June about several new Virtual Tour Videos of additional Morongo Basin landscapes that offer exceptional beauty and creativity with low water use and native and drought-tolerant plants.
Conserving Water through art ~ Proving you can still have vibrant colors and a fun and quirky landscape while reducing your water usage……
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