Eblast August 4, 2017
- RECE (Renewable Energy and Conservation Element): Supervisors Public Hearing, Tuesday, August 8th, 1 PM
Eblast July 14 2017
- Ord Mountain Solar Project
- Renewable Energy and Conservation Element (RECE) of the General plan
- Air quality monitoring
- Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Act (OHVRA) - SB 249
- Desert Water – Cadiz project & AB 1000
- Desert National Monuments – MDLT Desert Defenders
- NPCA Desert Manager – good-bye Seth Shteir & welcome Chris Clarke
Eblast June 14, 2017
- Ord Mountain Solar Project: comment by June 30
- MDLT campaign for 29 Palms property “Indian Trail Head”: ends June 30
- Healthy California Act, SB 562: Indivisible public forum, June 26
- CA. Assembly supports state’s monuments: AJR-15, Federal public lands
Eblast May 31, 2017
- Altamira Gate Community Housing Project
- Joshua Tree Airport solar project
- Eagle Crest Gen-Tie Project
- Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Act: Senate Bill 249
- Protecting Integrity of National Monuments
E-Blast May 2, 2017
- 2017 Desert-Wise Landscape Tour a huge success!
- Sand-To-Snow and Mojave Trail National Monuments under review by Trump
- Eagle Crest Pumping Project
- County Renewable Energy Element Final Draft
E-Blast February 14, 2017
- Return Eagle Mountain lands to JTNP
- Stop 2,220 home development - Mission Creek
- Black Rock Symposium: "How to Make Your Voice Heard on Conservation Issues in an Uncertain Political Climate."
- UCR Conference: Solar Energy Directions for Inland Southern California: Where is it going?
- Renewable energy Moratorium request - San Bernardino Co.
- Ruth Denison Environmental Conservation Scholarship
- Refreshed and renewed website - mbconservation.org
E-Blast: January 15, 2017
- MBCA Annual Meeting and Water Symposium – Jan. 28, 2017
- Return Eagle Mountain Lands to JTN
- Stop 2,220 home development - Mission Creek
- Apple Valley’s Habitat Conservation Pla
- Renewable Energy News – CA.’s RE Transmission Initiative
Eblast: October 26, 2016
- Eagle Mountain Still at Risk
- Send Email to BLM by Nov. 6
Eblast: October 31, 2016
County Planning Commission Meeting
- Draft Renewable Energy and Conservation Element (RECE)
- Community Plan Workshop (Land-Use Map)