New Joshua Tree Research Uses iNaturalist Data
A new study in the online journal Ecology Letters focuses on changes to Joshua tree viability and blooming since the early 20th century. The study uses data from citizen scientist reports of Joshua trees and their blooms through the iNaturalist app, plus historic data. While climate change seems to be increasing the frequency of Joshua Tree blooming, it is also negatively affecting the survival of Joshua tree seedlings. A Los...
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Facebook60833 Mountain View Trail
Joshua Tree, California 92252
[email protected]
LoveMore Ranch I have lived in JT for 26 years. We need your support to defeat this absurd proposal. Meeting Aug 29 at JT Community Center. You need to be there. This project will destroy JT. Article in Hi-Desert Star 8/21. The proposal is filled will lies and mistruths. There is not enough water in Morongo Basin aquifers, we already have issues with the ground water. And you cannot just “BUY WATER” from CAP. It needs to be allocated. 64 septic tanks will leach into the water table. This parcel is a major route for all the wildlife in the area. The lighting generated by 64 homes on 19 acres will destroy the night sky. Lighting codes have never been enforced in JT. From my deck I can see 20 homes with illegal lighting. The ABNB at 60875 has 50 outdoor lights. I own the parcel next to it and it gets blasted with illegal lighting. Code enforcement refuses to help. If this project is approved, it will just be the beginning of massive development. JT is turning into a transient community. Many of the 64 homes will be ABNB’s and no one in JT will afford to live there. Will be more LA people who do not respect the desert we have fought for 30 years to preserve. Quail Mt Preserve is at Sunny Vista and Mt View Trail. Now that it is part of JTNP, and on their map, we get 30 cars parked everywhere, there are only 3 designated spaces. This has destroyed our quiet neighborhood. Please support Joshua Tree as you have promised to do.
Mr. Davis,
Thank you for sharing your concerns about this proposed project. Due to a prior commitment, I am unavailable to attend the meeting, but my Field Representative Glen Harris will attend and report back to me. This project is in the very early stages of the land use development process and could end up looking very differently once it goes through the process and meets the rigorous conditions of approval, if it makes it through the process at all. I will continue to monitor it closely. Public comment is a very important aspect of the land use process and I appreciate your engagement on this issue.
Thank you,
Dawn Rowe