- Desert Wise Living Landscape Desert Tour 2020 goes virtual!
- Petition to list yucca brevifolia as a threatened species
- Opposition to Eagle Crest pumped storage project
- Reject nomination of William Pendley to head BLM
- Daggett Solar Energy project update
- Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in the Morongo Basin
- Complete the 2020 Census
- Support MBCA through Amazon Smile
Desert Wise Living Landscape Tour 2020 goes virtual!
The 10th annual Desert Wise Landscaping tour is nearly ready to view. The final cut is now being edited and music added. We are extremely pleased with the quality of the production and are excited to share the work with you, our members and supporters. We plan to release the 5 Virtual Tour videos very soon. The announcement will be made via email and also on our Facebook and Instagram sites. We are most appreciative of the hard work of our producer Stacy Doolittle, photographer/director/editor Heather Sommerfield and drone photographer Austin Ahlborg. Please stay tuned and we will notify you when they are released!
Petition to list yucca brevifolia as threatened species
The California Fish and Game Commission will consider a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity to list the western Joshua tree as a threatened species at their meeting on August 20. There continue to be hyperbolic predictions of the dire consequences of granting this species status as threatened. MBCA has written a letter in support of the listing and we are continuing to track this issue. We urge you to write to the Commission expressing support for the listing. The deadline for receipt of letters is this Thursday, August 6. Should the Commission vote in favor of granting candidate status for consideration as threatened, a one-year period will commence during which a thorough study will be undertaken. A final determination regarding threatened status will be made subsequent to this study. During the one-year period the Joshua tree would be provided protection as if it were an threatened species.
Relative to the exaggerated concerns expressed by some Yucca Valley officials and residents predicting dire consequences for development if the designation is given, there is a proven method to create the right balance of native species protection and careful community development. Creating a Natural Community Conservation Plan has helped other California communities, including the Coachella Valley, create such a balance. Take the example of the ongoing wastewater treatment system project in Yucca Valley, which was granted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for construction. Should the designation of threatened be granted to the Joshua tree, an application for an ‘incidental take permit’ would be required to comply with CEQA. Granting of an incidental take permit for every project involving the removal or transplanting of a Joshua tree would be unwieldy, expensive and time consuming. For these reasons we support the creation of a Natural Community Conservation Plan. This landscape level plan would provide a framework for development and establish a mechanism for streamlined compliance with CEQA. A successful example of such a landscape-level plan can be found in the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan.
A hastily drafted Assembly Bill 235 authored by state assembly member Chad Mayes in opposition to the Joshua tree listing would change the basis upon which the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) is founded: from a purely science based approach to include economic considerations. As of this writing the bill, apparently drafted to facilitate the on-going Town of Yucca Valley wastewater treatment system, does not appear to have the needed support for passage, however we continue to monitor its progress.
The Commission staff summary presents extensive documentation of the petition for the listing, and these background and talking points describe the issues being considered.
Given the strong opposition for listing that has been expressed by the Town of Yucca Valley, our County desert supervisors, and the local gateway realtors, it is important for the Commission to hear local support for the listing. Written comments (due August 6) may be e-mailed to [email protected] or hard copies mailed to:
California Fish and Game Commission
President Eric Sklar
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
If you can’t send written comments by the deadline, consider making oral comments at the August 20 Zoom meeting. Typically comments are limited to three minutes. However, with the amount of interest in this issue, time may be limited to one or two minutes so structure your comments accordingly.
Opposition to Eagle Crest pumped storage project
The latest attempt to facilitate the construction of this inappropriate project is state assembly bill AB1720, another gut-and-amend bill. Through four bills over the past three years, the Florida-based NextEra Corporation has attempted to pass controversial legislation to force procurement of its project since it has failed to compete in the open marketplace and state regulators have not identified a need for it. I am pleased to report that AB1720 has, as of this writing, failed to garner adequate support to move forward. The Eagle Crest pumped storage project, if constructed, would utilize billions of gallons of precious water pumped from the desert aquifer to fill the pits of the now shuttered Eagle Mountain mine.
Reject nomination of William Pendley to head BLM
MBCA has signed onto a letter, along with over 300 environmental organizations, in opposition to the nomination of William Perry Pendley to head the Bureau of Land Management. The appointment of this individual would be disastrous for the protection and support of our public lands!
Daggett Solar Energy project update
The lawsuit contesting this massive solar energy project has been settled. The Petitioner, Newberry Community Services District, has agreed to a Settlement Agreement and Release of Claims. MBCA provided comments in opposition to the certification of the EIR for this project contending that the visual impacts, air quality impacts, effects on the biological resources, wildlife corridors, avian resources, and social and environmental impacts of the project were not properly considered. MBCA is disappointed in the settlement and the concessions made that do not adequately address the concerns we raised.
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in the Morongo Basin
The highly contagious Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) has been confirmed in the deaths of more rabbits in our area. To learn more about this disease with important recommendations for reporting and handling sick animals, see the online flyer.
RHDV2 is not known to be contagious to humans, livestock, pets or wildlife other than rabbits. Being HIGHLY contagious between rabbits, California Department of Fish and Wildlife requests that should you find a carcass that shows no sign of traumatic injury, to file a report utilizing the form referenced within the flyer above. The carcass should either be double bagged and disposed of in the trash or single bagged and buried at least 24” deep. Many more rabbits are anticipated to die from this virus and is sure to affect the diet of coyotes, bobcats and foxes due to a loss of their primary source of protein.
Complete the 2020 Census
With all that is demanding our attention during these difficult times, please do not neglect to complete the 2020 census form. This may be accomplished either online, by mail or by phone. Log onto United States Census 2020 for information on how to easily complete the simple form.
Support MBCA through Amazon Smile
Purchases through the Amazon Smile program can help support MBCA! Please select MBCA as the non-profit recipient by typing in Morongo Basin Conservation and then selecting Morongo Basin Conservation Association. Every small amount adds up to help support our mission! Thank you!
As of this writing the Apple Fire is continuing to burn in the San Bernardino Mountains devastating more habitat with the commensurate health effects for all life. This, and the ongoing effects of climate change emphasize the importance of MBCA’s mission to advocate for the healthy desert.
I hope this e-blast finds you healthy and safe!
Steve Bardwell
Your MBCA Board:
Steve Bardwell, President |
Brian Hammer, Director |
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