MBCA Joins Protest Against Increased Utility Tax
In a letter to the California Legislature and Governor, MBCA joined 127 organizations and community leaders requesting they repeal Public Utilities Code Section 739.9 that requires public utilities to add a fixed charge to electricity bills based on customer income. “That would be three to twelve times the national average for such a fixed charge.” While the premise of income-based charges sounds positive, the letter includes a link to a study that demonstrates how such action will have negative financial consequences over time for many in the population it allegedly would aid. In addition, this provision of the Budget Bill was enacted without any public hearings or discussion. The short letter provides background information and links to helpful documents explaining the position of the signers.
Eblast August 13, 2023

- Short-Term Rentals Community Meetings
- Mojave Air Quality Management District Community Meeting
- Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act Information Event
- County Land Use Services Open House
- Pioneertown and Land Use in The Morongo Basin Item 1
MBCA Director David Fick Receives Minerva Hoyt Desert Conservation Award
Regional Conservation Investment Strategy Recommendations Sent
Letter: Group Comments on San Bernardino County Regional Conservation Investment Strategy
MBCA Joins Appeal to BLM to Stop Cadiz Water Project
MBCA Supports Sensible Power Plant Emissions Controls
MBCA has joined clean energy supporters across the country in requesting that their local utility (Southern California Edison in our case) clarify their commitment to decarbonization of power plants. The Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the industry’s trade organization, is planning to oppose some of the sensible emission control standards of the Biden administration’s climate legislation. Read the Los Angeles Times editorial that has many helpful links, and the national letter MBCA signed for more details.