MBCA Joins Opposition to AB 1633 that Weakens CEQA Protections

Joining 80 other concerned non-profit organizations, MBCA signed a letter to California's Senate Appropriations Committee members describing how the bill will: 1) allow developers to sue before environmental review; 2) reduce the incentive to complete environmental review; 3) allow developers to avoid public scrutiny; and 4) discourage legitimate environmental justice lawsuits. 
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Letter: Group Opposes AB 1633 that Weakens CEQA Protections

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Letter: MBCA Comments at County STR and Housing Meeting

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Mojave Desert Land Trust Seed Bank Highlighted

The Associated Press produced a comprehensive story with many photos about the unique desert native seed bank at the Mojave Desert Land Trust in Joshua Tree. There is a growing need for such extraordinary measures considering the devastation of desert lands in the two major fires in recent years in the Mojave National Preserve, followed by flood damage this summer. 
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County STR and Housing Meeting Brings Large Crowd

County_STR_meeting.jpeg                                                                                     Photo credit Valeree Woodard

Nearly 100 area residents crowded both rooms of the Joshua Tree Community Center to hear a report on the County's Program 4 Housing study, initiated to answer the question, "How Are Short-Term Rentals Impacting the Housing Market?" Colin Drucker, a representative of PlaceWorks, one of the two contracted consulting firms, presented a slide show summarizing the data gathered so far. He noted that the study covers only the unincorporated areas of the mountains and “east desert” (Morongo Basin) and not the “north desert” (i.e. Lucerne Valley, Newberry Springs, etc.). 

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Recommendation for Carbon Sequestration in the California Desert

With extensive research support, the Inland Deserts Working Group (IDWG) that is connected with the California Natural Resources 30x30 planning process has produced Nature Based Solutions - Desert Sector, a report to the state recommending "conserving 100% of undisturbed non-military public lands annually based on current levels, starting in 2024." Two MBCA Board members on the IDWG believe that this document is a definitive report proving the high value of the undisturbed desert in achieving California's climate change goals. 
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Dust Issues in Mojave AQMD Rule 401

MBCA's comment letter to the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District summarizes the serious particulate matter issues (excessive dust) that result from large scale solar developments and requests that such situations be directly addressed in the agency's proposed Rule 401. "Currently neither the MDAQMD, or the County of San Bernardino Land Use Services require or, act upon knowledge of the soils and the hazard of blowing dust."
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Letter: Comments on Dust Issues in Mojave AQMD Rule 401

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Letter: MBCA Joins Protest Against Increased Utility Tax

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MBCA Joins Protest Against Increased Utility Tax

In a letter to the California Legislature and Governor, MBCA joined 127 organizations and community leaders requesting they repeal Public Utilities Code Section 739.9 that requires public utilities to add a fixed charge to electricity bills based on customer income. “That would be three to twelve times the national average for such a fixed charge.” While the premise of income-based charges sounds positive, the letter includes a link to a study that demonstrates how such action will have negative financial consequences over time for many in the population it allegedly would aid. In addition, this provision of the Budget Bill was enacted without any public hearings or discussion. The short letter provides background information and links to helpful documents explaining the position of the signers.

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