by Laraine Turk
on November 01, 2023
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by Laraine Turk
on November 01, 2023
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by Laraine Turk
on October 23, 2023
MBCA's October 23
comment letter about the proposed Easley Solar Project near Lake Tamarisk and Desert Center explains how the proposal will add to the already excessive dust problems in current projects nearby, affecting residents' health and violating concepts of environmental justice. Additionally and critically, undisturbed desert land provides carbon sequestration that has far more value and far less harm than scraping more desert for industrial scale solar.
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by Laraine Turk
on October 23, 2023
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by Stephen Bardwell
on September 26, 2023
- Proposed Chuckwalla National Monument
- Plan to Attend California Desert Summit
- Attend the 8th Annual Night Sky Festival
- Desert Wise Living Landscape Tour Videos Now Being Released
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by Laraine Turk
on September 26, 2023
MBCA was well-represented at the launch of the campaign to designate Chuckwalla National Monument and expand Joshua Tree National Park. At the event held at the 29 Palms Spotlight Casino in Indio, Representative Raul Ruiz
announced he will sponsor a bill for creation of this monument and will encourage the use of the Antiquities Act by President Biden should passage of a bill not be possible. (Ruiz is pictured with MBCA Board member Pat Flanagan.) Expanding Joshua Tree National Park will also part of the bill. Tribal leaders, government leaders, community leaders, and many non-profit conservation group representatives attended.
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by Laraine Turk
on September 25, 2023
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by Laraine Turk
on September 25, 2023
A resolution to support the Regional Conservation Investment Strategy was on the September 26 agenda of the San Bernardino County Supervisors. While MBCA joined other organizations in supporting the RCIS in an August 2023 comment letter, one of the provisions in the Supervisors’ resolution negated much of the value of the plan. Comments from MBCA and the SummerTree Institute, among others, requested deletion of Provision 7, which would disastrously limit the types of vegetation to be conserved. The comments emphasized the importance of preserving the desert’s ability to sequester carbon, provide essential biodiversity, and enable the future translocation of the endangered Western Joshua trees. The resolution was approved by the Supervisors unanimously without change.
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by Laraine Turk
on September 06, 2023
At the County Land Use Services Open House held in Joshua Tree on August 30, MBCA's President Steve Bardwell talked at some length with Mark Wardlaw, new Director of the department.
MBCA sent a followup letter outlining concerns about land use issues that affect the Morongo Basin's unincorporated communities particularly. The letter includes some specific suggestions and summarizes our concerns related to water issues, Community Action Guides, climate change, Short-Term Rental ordinances, and a number of other topics.
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by Laraine Turk
on September 06, 2023
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